Check below for more information about Hoene Springs.
Calendar of Events
PLEASE SEE THE HS HOME PAGE FOR UPDATES TO THE CURRENT CALENDAR. Please let a board member know if you need assistance or would like to volunteer.
Attendance was high at the August 29, 2024 annual meeting of all residents. Besides the usual business, residents had a spirited discussion about possible fines for breaking the Hoene Springs restrictions. A majority voted not to impose fines at this time.

Hoene Springs residents and their kids enjoy free celebrations of Halloween, Christmas and Easter in Winnifred Park. Visit the Hoene Springs home page for current information.

The annual Christmas party is a great, festive time! Santa hands out candy canes and collects Christmas wish letters during a parade, and residents gather for a party and bonfire in Winnifred Park afterward. See pictures here.

Halloween Parties are a spooky good time, with lots of fun costumes, decorations, treats and games for kids, and a bonfire in Winnifred Park for all! See pictures here.

Kids are egg-static about the annual Easter Egg Hunt and party, with a visit by the Easter Bunny, egg decorating, and other fun activities in Winnifred Park. See pictures here.
Hoene Springs Restrictions and Bylaws
Hoene springs restrictions were amended in 2015 to provide better protection to homeowners. The 2015 list follows the original restrictions in the link below.
You can download the restrictions here.
Have questions about Hoene Springs subdivision? You can find your answers here:
Where are the community meetings held?
Annual Meetings for all of the residents are held every August. Information about the annual meeting is listed on the home page once the date is set.
Board Meetings: The HSIA officers and committee chairpeople meet on a regular basis. Normally, the HS board meets the first Monday of the month at 7 p.m. Meetings are held at the Firehouse on Highway W. Feel free to reach out to a board member if you would like to attend.,
Keep in Touch: Residents are invited to connect on the interactive HS Facebook page. Once confirmed, residents can share their insights with each other.
If I am building a new home or adding an additional building, are special permits required?
Plans and specifications of all buildings must be submitted to the TRUSTEES for written approval before building operations are started and the building must be completed within nine (9) months thereafter and in accordance with the plans and specifications so submitted and approved, including painting of exterior wood or metal surfaces. Any building would also require a Building permit from the Eureka Fire Protection Disrtict. All questions may be directed to the Fire Prevention Bureau at 636-938-5505 between 8:00 and 4:30 Monday through Friday. Any county or state permits must also be obtained. Please see Restrictions sect. C for more details.
Are pets allowed?
Normal pets, like dogs and cats, are allowed. Hogs, poultry, and goats are specifically banned by Hoene Springs restrictions.
What restrictions are there in Hoene Springs?
You can read the complete list of Hoene Springs restrictions here.
How do I get title clearance information?
Anyone needing title clearance information on a property can contact Ann Rush, 636-575-2562.